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The Dmisc package provides a collection of versatile R functions developed by Daniel E. de la Rosa. These are general-purpose tools, not tied to any specific domain, aiming to aid a wide range of tasks in data analysis and visualization.

Code Reusability

A primary motivation behind the development of Dmisc is to facilitate code reusability. Daniel created these functions to avoid code repetition in his own projects. However, if an equivalent function is found in another package with good support, the corresponding function in Dmisc may become deprecated.


Not yet in CRAN

You can install the development version from GitHub with:

  error = function(e){



Browse the package site: Dmisc


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Please take a look at the contributing guidelines before filing an issue or pull request.

Please note that the Dmisc project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By contributing to this project, you agree to abide by its terms.